New features

  • Added functions for Bayesian test (bf_from_os), the corresponding S3 methods (print and plot) and helper functions to convert bayes factors to p-values (as_pvalue and as_bf).

  • Added function (bf_compare) to compare Bayesian and frequentist test.

Breaking changes

  • Deleted custom scoring functions (score_*) which depended on ranger and isotree. Users can now pass a scoring function as an argument to recreate this behaviour.


  • Removed dependency on ranger and isotree packages.

  • Updated README with Bayesian example and new links.

  • Plotted test results without transforming the y-axis.

Breaking changes

  • Changed naming convention for functions. Used the prefixes pt_*, at_* and score_* to denote permutation test, asymptotic test and scoring functions.

New features

  • Exposed functions to test for no adverse shift from outlier scores directly: pt_from_os and at_from_os


  • Added S3 method to print the result of (statistical) tests.

  • Increased font size for p-value in S3 method to plot result of (statistical) tests.

  • Updated README with new examples and links.

  • Removed dependency on WeightedROC package.

  • Made dependencies on ranger and isotree optional, required only when using specific scoring functions.

First Public Release

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • Initial public release to GitHub and CRAN.